Scratch and Sniff Stickers - Items tagged as "Frog"

EverythingSmells - Home of the Scratch & Sniff Sticker! Offering the LARGEST selection of Scratch & Sniff Stickers online! My Bringing Back the 80's Scratch & Sniff Stickers capture that nostalgic look, scent, and feel of the original stickers we all loved as kids. Scratch and sniff stickers can transport you with one sniff to a happier time.
View all 1980 1980 candy 1980 eraser 1980's 1980's erasers 1980s 3 wheel bike 4th of July stickers 7-Up 7up 80's 80's candy 80's child 80's eraser 80's music 80's school supplies 80's stickers 80s 80s candy 80s child 80s eraser 80s fashion 80s style abominable ALL of our Scented Stickers animal stickers Animals Apple apple bubble gum apple bubblegum Apple Cider apple cider donut apple donut apple gum apple juice apple juice bubble gum Apple Pie scent Apple Scent apples arbor day ata Australia Australia stickers australian Australian stickers Australian Teaching australian teaching aids Autumn scents Autumn stickers babies baby Baby Powder Baby Powder Scent baby shower back to school back to school stickers Bacon Bacon Scent bacon scented bacon stickers bad smell balloon balloons baloney balsam Banana Banana Scent banana scented banana split banana stickers bananas bandade bandage bar of soap baseball baseball fan baseball glove bat bat sticker bath bathtime bats bear bear sticker bears bee bees bell bells berries berry berry good beverage BF24 bicycle big sticker big stickers big wheel big wheel bike bike birthday birthday cake Birthday gift Birthday Gifts Birthday Stickers black black cat black cherry black licorice blackberries blackberry blackberry pie bleuets blood orange Blow Pop blowing bubble blue bear blue cotton candy blue flower blue raspberry blue raspberry juice blue raspberry punch Blue Raspberry Scent blue sticker blueberries Blueberry Blueberry muffin Blueberry Scent bone bones bonkers bonkerz boo berry boo cereal booberry boom box boombox Boot bowl bowl of cereal bowl of chili box of chocolates boy sticker boy stickers brains Bread Bread Scent breakfast breakfast stickers breathe bringing back the 80's Brownie brownies brush teeth bubble bubble bath Bubble Gum bubble gum ball bubble gum machine Bubble Gum Scent bubble gum scented Bubblegum bubbles bulb bunch of grapes burger burgers burning wood burnt rubber butter Butter Cookie butter rum buttered popcorn cabbage patch caffeine cake Cake Scent Cakes/Cookies camp camp fire Campfire Campfire Scent camping candle candles candy candy cane candy scent candy stickers car Caramel caramel apple cars carton gum cartoons cassette tape cat cat gift cat stickers cats cauldron celebration cereal cereal bowl cereal stickers charleston cheese cheese wedge cheeseburger cheeses cherries Cherry cherry coke cherry cola cherry jello cherry punch Cherry Scent cherry scented cherry slushie cherry slushy chew gum chicken chili Chili Scent Chocolate chocolate bar chocolate cereal chocolate cherry chocolate chip cookie chocolate chip cookies chocolate ice cream chocolate kiss chocolate milk chocolate mint Chocolate Scent chocolate scented chocolate stickers chocolates Christmas Christmas & Holiday Gift Ideas Christmas bulb christmas candy christmas cookie christmas cookies Christmas Gift Shop christmas lights Christmas ornament Christmas sticker Christmas Stickers Christmas Stickers-1 Christmas tree Christmas Vacation movie cider Cinnamon cinnamon bun cinnamon roll Cinnamon Scent cinnamon scented circus clown clowns coca cola cocoa Coconut Coconut Scent coconuts Coffee coffee cup coffee drinker coffee gift coffee lover coffee mug coffee scent coffee stickers coke Cola Cola Scent computer conversation heart cookie cookies cookout cooler corn corn on cob corn on the cob costume Cotton Candy Cotton Candy Scent cough cough drop count cereal count chocula country fair Cow cowboy boot cows cpk cranberry cranberry scent cranberry scented cream cheese creamsicle cup of coffee Cupcake Cupcake Scent cupcakes daisy Danielle's stickers deer dental floss dental stickers dentist dentist reward dentist stickers dessert Dessert Scratch & Sniff Stickers dessert stickers desserts detergent die cut dill dill pickle dinner dinosaur dinosaur breath dinosaurs Dirt dog dogs doll Donut donuts dooper double bubble Dr. Stinky dracula drink drink sticker drink stickers drinks duck ducks earth earthy scent Easter Easter basket Easter Basket Filler easter bunny easter egg EASTER Gifts! Easter Spring & Summer Stickers easter sticker Easter stickers eggnog eighties elf elves eraser stickers es es stickers Eucalyptus Eureka evergreen EverythingSmells Stickers exclusive Fairies fairy Fall fall food Fall scents Fall stickers farm fast food fast food stickers fawn ferris wheel fir tree fire fire flies firecracker fireflies firefly Fireworks Fish fish bone flamingo flamingos flashback Floral Floral Scent floss flower flower stickers flowers food food stickers football fox foxes foxy franken cereal frankenberry Frankenstein french fries french fry fresh bread fresh brewed coffee fresh cut grass fresh cut wood fresh rain scent fried chicken friendship pin fries frog frog stickers frogs frost frozen fruit fruit eraser fruit loops Fruit Punch Fruit Punch Scent Fruit Scratch & Sniff Stickers fruit sticker fruit stickers fruity fruity cereal fruity mummy fruity rings frying pan galaxy garden garden gnome gardener gardening get well ghost ghosts ginger Gingerbread gingerbread man gingerbread men Gingerbread Scent girl scouts Gnome gnomes gobble gobstopper grade papers grampy grandma grandmother grandpa grandparent grandparents day Grandparents Scent granny smith Grape grape bubble gum grape bubblegum grape drink grape jelly Grape Scent grape scented grape stickers grapes grass grass scent grass stickers gray cat great catch Green Apple green lawn green leaf gross gross stickers gum gumball gumball machine gumdrop gummie bear gummy Gummy Bear halloween Halloween 2022 Halloween candy Halloween Gifts Halloween Stickers ham ham it up hamburger happy birthday Harvest sticker heart heart stickers hearts Holiday holiday drinks holiday stickers Honey honey bees Honey Scent Honey Suckle honeybee honeysuckle hot chocolate Hot Cocoa hot dog hot drink hot sauce hot wings hotdog house hug juice hyacinth Ice Cream ice cream bar ice cream cone Ice Cream Scent ice cream soda ice cream stickers ice cream truck icecream iced cinnamon roll independence day Italian italian food jack o lantern jeans jello Jello Pudding pop Jelly Bean Jelly Bean Scent jellybean jellybeans jiggle juice juice barrel juice box juice carton jumbo Jumbo Size Scented Stickers! jumbo stickers junior mints kangaroo Ketchup kidney bean kitten kittens kitties kitty kiwi kiwi strawberry koala koala bear koalas kool kool aid large round large sticker large stickers laundry laundry day lawn lawn mower leaf leather leather scented stickers Lemon lemon juice Lemon Scent lemon scented Lemonade lemonaid lemons licorice Licorice Scent lifesavers lifesaverz lightning bugs lilac lilacs Lime Lime Scent lion Little Bunny Follows His Nose loaf of bread Lollipop lollypop love lunch box lunch meat lunchbox lunchmeat magic wand manure Marshmallow Marshmallow Scent marshmallow scented marshmellow mashed potato meat meatball menthol microencapsulate microencapsulation milk milk shake milkshake Mint mint chocolate mint chocolate chip mint ice cream Mint Scent mints minty mixed shape stickers mom-mom monster Monster cereal monsters moon moose moose mug mouse movie popcorn mud muffin muffins mug mummy mummys mushroom mushroom house nana neat nerds new baby NEW Products new Trend stickers noodles nostalgia nostalgic NSD25 nut ocean old shoe Ole Onion Onion Scent Orange orange candy orange cream orange cream pop orange cream popsicle orange pop Orange Scent orange soda oranges ornament ostrich outer space pancake Pancakes paper magic paper magic stickers paperhouse party favor partytime pasta patch pb&j Peach peach dessert peaches peaches & cream peaches and cream peanut Peanut Butter Peanut Butter Scent peanuts peeps pencil topper Peppermint Peppermint Bark peppermint candy peppermint hot chocolate peppermint hot cocoa Peppermint Scent peppermint stick pepperoni pizza pet pets phone Pickle pickle jar Pickle Scent pickle sticker pickle stickers pickles picnic pie pillow Pine pine tree Pineapple Pineapple Scent pineapples pink pink cat pink flower pink heart pink lemonade Pizza pizza box pizza night pizza party pizza pie Pizza Scent pizza scented pizza slice pizza stickers planets platypus play clay play doh play dough playdoh playdough Playhouse pop pop Popcorn popcorn ball Popcorn Scent popcorn scented popcorn stickers popped corn popsicle popsicles potato praise word stickers preschool pretzel Pumpkin pumpkin bucket pumpkin ice cream pumpkin muffin pumpkin pie Pumpkin Scent pumpkin spice punch bowl puppies puppy purple flowers putty race car rain rainbow rainbows raisin raspberries Raspberry Raspberry Scent red apple retro retro gum retro Trend stickers retro tv reward stickers ribbon candy roller coaster roller skate roller skates rollerskate roly poly Root Beer root beer float Root Beer Scent rootbeer rotarty phone rubber rubber duck runts salami SALE! sandwich santa Santa stickers Saturday morning scented stickers scents of fall school school lunch school stickers school supplies scooper scratch & sniff scratch & sniff stickers scratch and sniff scratch and sniff stickers scratch n sniff Seal shape stickers shark sharks shoe shooting star sick skeleton skittles skull slice of pizza slice of watermelon smart and tart smarties smelly stickers smoke smokey smoothie Smores snack food sneaker sniff stickers snow cone snow monster Snowcone snowman soap soap and suds soap n suds soda soda bottle soda can soda pop soda stickers soil solar system Sour Apple space spaceship spaghetti spearamint spearmint spice spider spongecake sport sport stickers sports spring flowers sprinkler sprinkles squeeze stack of pancakes star star stickers stars sticker variety pack stickers for boys stickers for guy Stinky strawberries Strawberry strawberry basket strawberry ice cream strawberry jam strawberry jelly strawberry kiwi strawberry lemonade Strawberry Scent strawberry scented strawberry short cake strawberry shortcake\ student reward sugar babies sugar cookie sugar cookies sugar plum sugarplum Summer summer flowers Summer food summer scents summer stickers sun sunshine swatch sweet corn Sweet Smell of Christmas book sweet smell of christmas replacement stickers Sweet Smell Of Christmas Stickers sweet tart sweettart swingset Taco tacos taffy taffy lollipop teacher reward stickers teacher stickers teeth telephone television thanksgiving Thanksgiving Stickers The Stink Factory The Stinky Factory thermos those stickers from the 80's tin lunch box tinsel toast tomato tomato plant tomato sauce tomato vine tomatoes tooth tooth paste toothbrush toothpaste tootsy roll top seller toy toys trash trashcan tree trees Trend 2025 Trend enterprises Trend Stickers Trend summer release Trend summer set trick or treat true strawberry turkey tv umbrella valentine Valentine Stickers valentine's day Valentine's Day Gifts Valentines Day Gifts! vampire Vanilla vanilla cupcake vanilla ice cream vanilla milkshake vanilla popsicle Vanilla Scent variety pack Variety Pack Scented Stickers vegetable vegetable stickers vegetables vintage candy vintage gum vintage lunchbox vintage scratch and sniff walkman watch Watermelon watermelon bonkers watermelon candy Watermelon Scent watermelon slice wax bottle way to motor wet dog wheel Whipped Cream white cat white chocolate white chocolate bar white flower wings winter winter friends Winter stickers wish witch witches witches brew wood scent Woodland woodland critters woodsy worm worms wreath yellow yellow flower You're Tops yucky stickers yummo zebra zombies